PGDBA Eligibility: Will my work-ex in teaching go against me?

PGDBA Eligibility

As the PGDBA 2020 preparation is on its peak, aspirants come up with a lot of questions related to eligibility. Recently, we have encountered this question a number of times – “My experience is in the academic industry (coaching/teaching). Will it go against me in the PGDBA selection procedure?”

Our take on this –

No, we don’t think having experience in coaching industry or academics is going to be a deal breaker. The PGDBA eligibility criteria doesn’t mention the type of industry where you should have prior work experience to gain work-ex score.

Answer ‘THREE’ important questions:

Essentially, for any interview you should have clarity on below 3 questions:

  1. Why did you choose the particular industry as your desired profession?
  2. Why can’t you up skill (or learn the skills that you are going to learn in the course) yourself in your current industry?
  3. How are you going to leverage your prior work experience in your course/post-course professional experience?

If you can justify the reasons for choosing academics/coaching as your professional industry, it’s perfectly fine. There is nothing negative about being a teacher/mentor at any coaching institute or a college or a school. I have tons of friends who used to teach at coaching institutes/schools; currently, they are either studying at one of the IIMs or graduated from there. That gives me some data as well that IIMs don’t discriminate against teachers/academicians.

Additionally, you should be clear on how your experience in education industry will be helpful to you in PGDBA course and how are you going to leverage that going forward.

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You may also be asked why can’t you learn analytics and data science along with your job? Since you are already into teaching industry, you can learn yourself. And, why do you even need to learn analytics at the first place? Why do you need analytics in the teaching profession? You should be prepared with answers to all these questions. We suggest you read applications of analytics and data science in the education/teaching industry. Learn how educators are using data science and analytics in improving their teaching methods? Study about applications of data science in making education more personalized and adaptive.

In conclusion, we would say that having experience in education/academics/teaching industry is not negative per se; not able to justify your decisions is the biggest negative.

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