Mock Interviews are important to prepare you for “The Interview.” Have you ever been interviewed? If not, let me give you a basic idea. It is similar to a viva. Do you remember how freaked out you used to be wondering what the teacher might ask, what if you don’t know the answer, even worse, what if you know the answer and you aren’t able to express it?

A job interview is something similar to that but holds a lot more value because it will decide whether you will land a job or not. You may have the required qualifications, the necessary documents, everything that is needed, but not the right interviewee attitude; then, all the efforts will go down the drain. 33% of 2000 surveyed interviewers said they know within the first 90 seconds of the interview if they will recruit the candidate or not. That is why it is essential to be prepared for an interview.

Mock Interviews Prepare You So You Don’t Make These Mistakes

Interviews can be quite tricky, but what’s more important is to know what might go wrong and prepare for it beforehand. Read further to find out what all can go wrong in your interview so that you can refrain from making those mistakes.

Invest in AI Monks' Mock Interviews Program today to avoid making these common mistakes.

Mistake#1: Arriving Too Early Or Too Late

The interviewer has assigned you a particular time, so you have to follow it. If not, you could disrupt the whole schedule, make the interviewer grumpy, and also mess up your chances of getting in. You need to accept that the world doesn’t revolve around you and doesn’t work the way you want it to

Mistake#2: Appearance

You need to put your best foot forward if you want to charm the interviewers. We are not asking you to get yourself a Sabyasachi designed attire; it’s not a fashion show. But refrain from entering the interview room with an unironed, stained, or wrinkled outfit. It is essential to pick your outfit carefully and look presentable for the interview.

Mistake#3: Not Carrying Your Resume

An interviewer may or may not have your resume ready, but you should. This will make you seem thoughtful and prepared. You have got to collect whatever points you can, right?

Mistake#4: Being Unenthusiastic

If you lack energy during an interview, you are giving a terrible first impression. Being unenthusiastic may portray that you are disinterested, and hence the interviewer may not even consider you for the said role. Having slumped shoulders, not making eye contact, not too eager to respond to questions are a complete deal-breaker.

Mistake#5: Don’t make it all about you

Instead of going on about how the company can benefit you, talk about how you can help the company. An interviewer is more interested in knowing if a candidate can be an asset to the company. Tell the interviewer what they want to hear instead of what you need from them.

Mistake#6: Not Being Interactive

An interview isn’t just about the interviewer asking you questions and you answering them. Keep interviews as interactive as possible. Asking questions might show your interest in a particular job role. But avoid asking the interviewer any personal questions.

These are a few mistakes that you might make in an interview; hence it is necessary to go through a mock test before entering the battleground; the real interview. A mock interview is like a practice test to check your skills before an actual match. If you know your weaknesses, you can work on them and improve an become an ideal candidate whom a recruiter just can’t say no to.

Where can you find the perfect mock interview platform? You don’t have to look too far; It’s right in front of you!

Mock Interviews Program With AI Monks

AI Monks has collaborated with analytics industry veterans, who can help you ace the interview that you’ve been dreaming about clearing. We will connect you with the best panelist who will suit your requirement based on the role you’re applying for or the industry where you want to get the job.

We take pride in being your analytics guide, opening the door to the world of analytics and data science. Our Mock Interview program will help you craft your profile for the data science and analytics job market and guide you in the transition from the Non-Analytics field to the Analytics field. Reach out to AI Monks today to make a decision you won’t regret.

Check out our Mock Interview Program. For any query, reach us at

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