MTech (Computational and Data Science) at IISc : AI Monks’ Review: The MTech (Computational and Data Science) degree at IISc is a full-time regular classroom 24-month inter-disciplinary degree program by the Department of Computational and Data Sciences.
It brings together computational and data science aspects to address major scientific problems. Furthermore, it educates and trains students to ‘model’ problems or ‘simulate’ processes spanning across a wide spectrum of disciplines in science and engineering.
Let AI Monks help you decide if this is the course that you should pursue.
Why MTech (Computational and Data Science) degree?
You might want to consider pursuing the MTech (Computational and Data Science) degree program since it is India’s first degree-program from a premier institution to train students as data scientists. The institute has top-notch & world-renowned faculty. The faculty administered and designed-curriculum prepares students for research & development in computational and data science areas. The program helps students develop soft skills. Furthermore, the institute provides industry-sponsored fellowships for deserving candidates with enhanced fellowship. And, the Indian Institute of Sciences assures 100% placements to its students.
While computational science investigates scientific computing applications that require mathematical techniques and parallel computing, data science explores data-intensive applications that use scalable statistical and machine learning methods with Big Data and Cloud platforms.
Why IISc?
The Indian Institute of Science is a premier research & teaching institute of higher education in India. It is renowned for its focus on academic freedom, attracting high-quality students and faculty, and research excellence. CDS is an interdisciplinary engineering department at IISc spanning Computational Science & Engineering and Data Sciences’ research areas. Besides pursuing cutting-edge research, the CDS faculty leads several national and international initiatives and provides industrial consultancy and research services.
Students have to take 40 credits of course work over 2 to 3 semesters. Courses are divided into three subsets: hard core courses(13 credits), soft core courses (10 credits), and electives courses (13 credits). Students also have to complete a dissertation project worth 28 credits over 12 months. The program imparts foundational techniques and scalable systems skills for computational and data sciences, with advanced courses selected by students to specialize in methods, platforms, and applications.

If you look at the curriculum above, you will notice that the subjects are mostly analytically inclined. And the range of elective courses offered is versatile, giving students an option to upskill themselves according to their interests. The Dissertation project will enable them to apply what they have learned throughout the program.
Students of MTech (Computational and Data Science) at IISc have to work on a mandated One-Year Dissertation Project worth 28 credits, which will give them comprehensive experience by applying computational and data sciences techniques.
Students of MTech (Computational and Data Science) at IISc have to pay INR43400, which is quite affordable and value for money.
Student Intake
The IISc takes in 33 students for the MTech (Computational and Data Science) program, enabling the students to interact with the faculty, get a personalized experience, and get their doubts cleared easily.
Students pursuing the MTech (Computational and Data Science) from IISc get a stipend of INR 12000. You get paid to learn, work under esteemed faculty, do research using state-of-the-art technology and facilities.
Brand Name
Indian Institute of Science (IISc), established in collaboration with the GOI, the Mysore Royal family, and Tata, makes the institute a prestigious brand name in itself.
In the IISc placement season for Masters’ students graduating in 2019, the 19 students graduating from the Department of Computational and Data Sciences had the highest average number of offers from across all course programs at IISc. CDS students also had one of the highest pay packages from companies, with a median CTC of Rs. 21.75 Lakhs per year.
Computing Resources
The members of the department have access to some of the common computing resources mentioned below:
Institute Resources
The computational and Data Science department has access to the Institute’s HPC systems housed in the same building at SERC.
- India’s fastest supercomputer
- Cray XC40 called SahasraT, housed on Eight cabinets of 1506 nodes producing the peak performance of 1.45PFLOPS and Four cabinets of DDN storage with a 2PB usable space.
- Softwares: The faculty and students have access to the latest computational and numerical software. All the softwares are available through SERC.
Teaching Resources
The Indian Institute of Science has equipped the department with computing resources meant exclusively for teaching purposes. Students can benefit from these resources.
- Turing cluster
- 24 Compute Nodes in two 12 node 3U blades. Each node has one 8-core AMD Opteron 3380 processor @ 2.6GHz, 32GB RAM, 2TB HDD, Gigabit Ethernet port.
- 1 Head Node with one 6-core Intel Xeon E5-2620 v3 processor @ 2.40GHz, 48GB RAM, 1+4TB HDD, Gigabit Ethernet ports
- One 24 port L2 Gigabit Ethernet switch
- Running CentOS, MPI, PBS, and Apache Hadoop/Yarn
- Mounted on a 24U Rack
- 1 GPU node
- CPU: Xeon E5 2620 V2
- Memory: 24GB (3 x 8GB DDR3-1600 ECC)
- Hard Drive: 2 x 1TB SATA Seagate Enterprise HDD
- NVIDIA Tesla K40M
- Server Model: SYS-5017GR-TF
- Chassis: CSE-818G-1K43B-Bdle
Departmental Resources
- Servers
- Storage
- Projector
- Printers/Scanners/Copiers
JRD Tata Memorial Library
The JRD Tata Memorial Library (JRDTML) was established in 1911 and was housed in the main building. It is centrally located, and its total area measures more than 5,000 sq. meter.
M.Tech. (Computational & Data Science) Scholarship
As a young and growing department in an emerging discipline, the Department of Computational and Data Sciences welcomes sponsorship opportunities from industry and philanthropists through the Departmental Initiative or corporate social responsibility (CSR). You can find out about these sponsorships here.
The institute has a scholarship named under the course. The scholarship supports the stipend and overheads for a single M.Tech. (Computational & Data Science) student for 2 years. The student will spend 1 summer (3 months) with the sponsoring company working on technical topics that may eventually feed into their project or thesis topic. There is a possibility of working on a dissertation topic relevant to the sponsoring company based on mutual consent between the student and sponsoring company. This is an annual sponsorship for each admissions cycle. Sponsorship: Rs. 11.1 Lakhs for 1 student over 2 years.
MTech (Computational and Data Science) at IISc : AI Monks’ Review: Indian Institute of Science is a research & teaching institute of higher education in India. Students can benefit from the many resources available on campus and learn under a renowned faculty. The fee is quite reasonable. Moreover, you will get a stipend too. The placement opportunities here are abundant. The program is analytically inclined, so if you want to upskill yourself and make a mark in the analytics industry, then this could be the course for you.
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