Industries and organizations have started to get back on track post-COVID-19, and they need data to understand changed human movement patterns to seize business opportunities.
Gravy Analytics partners with to provide privacy-friendly, exclusive foot traffic data. Data scientists can now use to access Gravy’s insights and correlate it with their dataset, eliminating a lengthy manual process. They now have easy access to faster and more productive data insights about the changing human movement patterns in the physical world and study how that affects other demographic and economic data sets.
CEO and founder of Gravy Analytics, Jeff White, says that pre-pandemic patterns would be completely different from those in the post-COVID-19 world. With businesses starting over, new relevant data would be needed to map their unique operations, product development, supply chains, and marketing.’s platform enables researchers to explore the relationship between data features and people’s movements and to develop new use cases and possibilities.
Doug Grimsted, CEO of, said they have been working since 2017 to bring together a robust set of data features, with a toolset that allows smooth access to valuable external features data.
Daniel Elman, a research analyst at Nucleus Research, believes that coronavirus pandemic has not only taken business operations off-track but has also changed consumer behavior. Understanding the new reality, and this change in consumer behavior relies profusely on data.
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