Apple, in partnership with the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, the White House Coronavirus Task Force and FEMA, released a new Covid-19 website and Covid-19 App to provide trusted information to people.
The app and the website asks users a series of questions around risk factors, recent exposure and symptoms, and based on the answers recommends and guides the users on the next steps. The recommendations include guidance on social distancing, self-isolation, monitoring of symptoms, decision to conduct the test and if medical assistance is required.
Along with the app and website, users may also ask Siri, “How do I know if I have coronavirus?” to access guidance and resources from the CDC. The tool doesn’t require users to sign-in, neither does it send data to Apple or any government organization.
Please note that this tool can be used as a screening resource at an individual level and should not be replaced with instructions and guidance from healthcare professionals.
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